Saturday, October 29, 2005

All dressed up, and...

Okay, I was going to a party, tonight. I spent hours getting adorable. I put on a wig, fake eyelashes and fake boobs (don't they look great?). I drove to a scary area of Los Angeles called Lincoln Heights. I walked up this dude's incredibly steep driveway and braved his pitbulls, only to be told by his roommate that the party had been called off and he wasn't even there.
I was thinking about doing something else, tonight. I called a couple of friends, but got their voicemails. But I don't have any money on me right now. And seeing as how I'd be the only one I knew wherever I'd be, I decided to go home and save my ravishing beauty for Monday.
Fortunately, one of my neighbors was around, and she took my picture. Many of my neighbors have also seen me in my costume, and all agreed I look extremely cute. So I had to post my pictures on my blog so the world may see that, yes, I clean up real well.
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