Found this window display off to the side of the new Bibbity Bobbity Boutique. I'm glad there are more window displays in Disneyland, because for a long time you could only find them on Main Street.

I wonder if the display will be rotated to have other princess stories presented? They might even be able to do Sleeping Beauty and use some of the old dolls from the castle walk-through, seeing as how they aren't used in there anymore.

I wonder if the display will be rotated to have other princess stories presented? They might even be able to do Sleeping Beauty and use some of the old dolls from the castle walk-through, seeing as how they aren't used in there anymore.

There was something a little disconcerting about this display to me, for some reason. Some of the dolls looked a little creepy to me. Also, part of me was expecting them to move like the ones on Main Street. Still, it was cute. Most people didn't even notice it, and you can't see the strollers parked beside it.

I like this picture. It's really hard not to take a good picture of this, no matter what camera you use. I guess you could take a lousy picture of the Queen if you had your hand over the lense or something. But there are some places that are just great photo places in the park, besides the ones the planted signs point you to.
Not to spoil the magic for you, but I once heard that the Queen doesn't really have arms. Her sleeves are stapled to the backs of the curtains. When the edges get frayed, the sleeves are pulled out more and stapled again, and this is repeated until the sleeves need to be replaced.
I don't believe this information should spoil the magic, really. Coming from a theatre background, I enjoy learning about how a show is put on. But sometimes people can be a bit sensitive. I posted my picture of the booby door on a geeky Disney forum I take part of, and there were some people who took a particular interest in telling me what a horrible person I was, as though I painted the door that way. Of course there will always be jerks out there who can't laugh, and I feel sorry for them. Laughter saves lives, even if it's as small as a juvenile snork.
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