Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Here I am! Or... Welcome to the House of Confusion

This is just an update to let you all know that I have officially moved and I am fine. My computer's still not set up, yet, so there will be no photos in this update.
Time has just been going so slowly since I arrived. It is just so incredibly messy in this house, I often don't know where to begin. The garage is completely full, from ceiling to floor, with boxes and furniture that won't fit in the house. The biggest gripe I have is many of the boxes are actually empty, and my parents don't want me to throw them away.
About two or three years ago, my parents moved out of a huge 4BR/3BA house with a 3-car garage and a storage shed in the backyard, and into a 3BR/2BA house with a 2-car garage and practically no closet space. Dad doesn't want to throw anything away and Mom has all of these clothes. Most of the clothes still have tags on them and some are two or three sizes too small, for when she loses weight. Needless to say, nothing has really changed since they've lived out here. Sometimes they'll make a little progress and sort some things or move a mess of stuff from one room to another, but they won't actually get rid of anything. It's a very depressing situation, or as I like to call it (but not actually to them) "The House of Confusion".
Well, we are going to have a yard sale in April, even if it's a crappy one. Mom wants to have one big one, with lots of organization and advertising. But she won't actually do anything about it. Dad just wants to set some stuff out on the driveway with the hope that shoppers with garage sales running through their veins will be able to sniff us out. But neither has actually happened. Now we do things my way.
Last week I bought a storage unit (because I couldn't get to anything in the garage. I got tired just looking at it). Each day I take anywhere from 5 to 15 boxes over. Before I take them over, I open them, write down on a pad of paper what's in the box next to a number, close the boxes, and slap numbers onto them. Once I have labled as many boxes as I can (and my storage unit is filled), I will schedule a yard sale (find out what's legal in the city, ads, blah blah crap). When we have the sale in April, we will look at the list, decide what we want to sell this sale, and put it in the driveway. What doesn't sell gets donated at the end of the sale. Then we will have another one in June or July, and a final one in September.
Then we can have fun? Maybe. Then we focus on making the house liveable. You know I can't plug anything into the outlets in my room because they're falling apart or have paint in the holes? And I know I mentioned the lack of closet space. And the windows... don't even get me started on the windows. The fact that I'm covered in cat fur no matter what I do pales in comparison to how I feel about the windows. No, I'm thinking 2006 might not be a very fun year for me. I could be wrong. We'll see.
What I do know is I need a job. My old apartment isn't exactly being prompt with my security deposit, and my previous fundage is running low. I need to get a job where I make about $1200/mo and only work about 3-5 days a week, because I have a second job here at the HoC. And really, it's hard for me to get anything else done when I'm working 6 days a week.
So, that's how it is, right now. I still don't know when my computer will be up and running, but I'm sure it will be... by the summer.
It's confusing, here.

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