
was my going-away party, thrown by my fellow servers from the Scottish Place. Well, there was one manager there, but she used to be a server so it counts. My party was held in the afternoon at the Disney Soda Fountain/Gift Shop, which everyone felt was appropriate. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a chocolate phosphate (as shown, left), and for dessert I had a Black and White Sundae. It was delicious! I recieved a card signed by everyone from the Scottish Place and $200! That just blew me away, it was so very nice of everyone. As the first wave of people started to leave, several more people showed up. One brought her daughter and her grand-twins, who were just adorable. They're going through their drooling phase, and I learned I'm not too keen about that. But they were still cute. After the second wave was finished eating, we headed our separate ways.
I would just like to thank everyone who showed up, and to those who didn't but still wished me well.
The photo below features the first wave of guests, including Mickey. I don't have pseudonyms for you all, so I'll use initials.
Featured are M.R. (who is showing off her "I ate the whole thing" pin that she got for finishing her sundae), V.B., A.S., Me, S.B. and D.R.
Those not shown but who I'd also like to thank are S.R., D.R., s.r. & s.r. (twins), Y.M. and V.D.
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