I, Pretty McSomethin, being of sound body and mind (as far as I'm aware), admit to the stupidity I have been involved in, as well as continuing to be in. I therefore, reluctantly yet willingly, accept any consequences my actions will create.
I have a second job at a healthy grocery store in the Fairfax district. It will help me out greatly, once the paychecks actually come in (next week). I have a loan on the way, which will probably reach me by the end of the month. And my first job's paycheck comes next week, as well. Tips have been pretty lousy, with my average shift generating about $30. At our meeting, yesterday, my manger made the announcement that some lunch servers were going to be trained for dinner, and my name was mentioned. Naturally, this pissed me off. My angry side took the announcement to mean after all the suffering and crap I've gone through these past few months, they're going to forgive me. Oh, thank you, wonderful employer. I'm so grateful, I'll work the rest of my life for you!
*That was sarcasm.
Besides that rant, I am about $450.00 in the hole. And guess what? I'm not going to deposit any money into my account until sometime next week. Why? Three words: Disneyland's actual birthday.
This Sunday on July 17th, 2005 is Disneyland's actual 50th birthday. I must be a part of it, as this is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. My annual pass is blocked-out for this day, so I'll have to pay a discounted (I hope) price to get in. I've asked friends and family to come with me, but no one wants to go. But I won't be alone. There is rumored to be over 75,000 people in Disneyland that day. I'll just take my free cupcake and stand in a corner of the park, packed in with thousands of other people around me. I'll get there around 7:00am and be there until around midnight, so I'm sure I'll make friends with somebody in that time.
Meanwhile, I'm really tired. Having a 65+ hour work week, and sometimes working as much as 18 hours a day, is tough. And providing I don't get fired from either job, this schedule will be maintained for 228 more days. When that time is over, I am going to move back in with my parents. There, I will help them out, help myself out, and work on my acting career. I've been living in L.A. for six years, and I haven't don't a thing towards my career, besides take classes, in that time. Wow, I, love, commas.
I think one of the first things I'll do when I move back home is nothing.
I just want to find a way to live and not just survive. I classify living as having the time and resources to be around the ones I care about, and do the things I want to do. There are ways to get there, and I'm just not there. I think I left home too early and entirely unprepared. So I will work on that when I move back home.
These are the things I think about. This is what I do ith my free time.
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