Last Thursday, Briggidy, Brandy, Their Aunt Kathy, their cousins Julie, Janet and I all went to the San Diego Zoo. It was great. We all laughed at everything and all the animals were super-cute

. By the end, we were all tired and cranky. Okay, by the end,
I was tired and cranky. But we still all had fun. I was sore and exhausted for three days, afterwards, after all of the walking we did. But we finished off the night with chocolate chip pancakes, so it was all in all a great day.
I didn't take nearly as many pictures as some of the others, but I thought I would space these out, anyway. The first one is of a Tree Kangaroo, who clearly is not in a tree. The second photo is of two of the Giraffs you can feed at two different times each day. Most of us fed them. Their tongues are long and slimey, but they have hand sanitizer for after they've taken your biscut. The third photo is a cute baby Giraff. Apparently, when a Giraff is born, she falls six feet to the ground. We think it's scary when we're born: it's cold, bright and who are all these people staring at you? At least we don't have to drop a great distance to the ground and are expected to immediately stand up. We're such wimps.